Moving Moments

"Nothing can ever be that funny," my boy remarks under his breath.  In the continuous flow of people walking by, one woman's howl at humour carries over the monotonous hum of the public's 

Trains screech past on the bridge, adjacent to the grandeur of the embankment footbridge  containing a serious traffic of people.  The atmosphere is pepped up by a steel pan rendition of Cheap Thrills by Sia and Sean Paul, played by an enthusiastic smiley man.  I feel cheery inside.  High white decorative, but stable beams line each side all the way along to my destination.  One can definitely see its potential beauty, once night falls. 

Boats come and go steadily, lazily, under the shadows of the arches of the bridges.  Sit very still, quietly and you can almost imagine you are at the seaside.  I listen carefully to the ebb and flow of the Thames.  Seagulls squawk loudly and hover around, no doubt  waiting for a discarded snack. "Bloody Vultures."  

Quiet the contrast; at the very same moment a dirty rotten pigeon sneaks up behind me, challenging me for my part of the pavement. 

Colourful yellow canopies litter the bank, screaming 'festival' accompanied by an ice cream van and  tents filled with activities.  Small children run around frantic with excitement at being free to roam wherever they please.  The gentle breeze turns my head towards the houses of parliament on my left, invoking thoughts of walking to Westminster.  The thought of bustling streets, men in suits rushing, bicycles everywhere is enough to put me off.  Another day, definitely. 

A smoking half of a couple encourages me out of my fluorescent orange bench seat with the fumes of Satan.  I loathe the smell of cancer sticks.  I focus my attention on the moving river, inhaling the fresh air that swings my way.   The beginning of some prose pop into my head, whilst I am retrieving my notebook from my trusty backpack to scribble down the last twenty minutes of my life.  How eventful its been.  

Welcome to my city.

This is London.

Much Love, EL x


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