Let's Have A Blessed Week

Shall we take a moment? 

A moment to just be; be still. Be us.  Be calm.  Just be.  It's OK not to just...sit.  Allowing ourselves to be dragged through life, never really noticing our actions or surroundings, creates a lack of enjoyment.  A lack of life.

Just be.  Don't think. Just, be.

You shouldn't have to be bogged down in sand to be still.

Take five and concentrate on your moment.  Be fully present. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.  Count 10 repetitions.  You are blessed.  Say it aloud.  You are blessed.  Say it louder!  Now we you can resume your regular scheduled programming.  Only this time try to be in the moment and not floating off elsewhere.  Practise makes perfect; you will get better and better at just be-ing. 

Remember it is OK to just be.  Taking stock for 5 minutes will not hurt anyone, least of all you.  Take 2 minutes if you don't have 5!  Try it, at least once a day.  It is OK to 'just be'.

Have a blessed week!

Much love, Peachy x

Let's Have a Blessed Week

Time is the only thing that cannot be regained once it is spent.  This weekend, I was forced to be reminded how precious time is, how short life can be.  I take time for granted too much, although I am sure I am not the only one.  Once time has gone, you wonder why you did not appreciate it more.  That is regret.  Regret is an ugly feeling... Coupled with guilt, it can wear you down.  Nobody wants to feel guilty.  What brings me hope is that I know how I can appreciate my time.  Time with my loved ones, time with my friends, time with people whom I care for and treasure.
Often we put off spending time with people in favour of work commitments or something less important.  We make plans only for them to fall through, we keep telling ourselves we will meet up with Tom, Dick or Harry, and we make promise after promise to 'see each other soon' only to neglect that pact when we find other more frivolous activities to partake in.  In all honesty, people do not mean to do those things, they just assume everyone will be around.  Forever. 
With this thought in mind I have come to the conclusion that this weeks goal is...

Goal-  To spend time with my loved ones and those precious people, in any shape or form.

Positive Thought-  I have the power to appreciate time.  I know how to appreciate time.  I can enhance my life and the life of others just by spending some time.

To all my readers, new and old, please spend your time wisely.  Love those who love you back and cherish your nearest and dearest. 

Love and blessings to you and yours.  Have a blessed week.

Much Love, Peachy x

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday!

Do we forget to be thankful? Most certainly.  Don't forget to live.  Live and be grateful.
Lately I have been thankful for -
-The good weather, as it has been lovely to see the sun shine and still not have to wear a heavy coat
- Love, surrounded by family and friends on special occasions
-Snapchat, to keep up to date with my friends and their random moments
-Yoga, which has relaxed me
-Meditation, which has kept me focussed
-Packed Lunches!
What are you thankful for? It can be anything, no matter how small?  Give thanks daily.
Much love to you all x

6 Month Blog Anniversary

I just want to share some good vibes today...


I have been blogging for 6 months today.  I am not afraid to say that I am proud of The Randomness of Unicorns!  I love what I write, and I write what I love.  I feel happy, elated and free.  What joy it is, to have a space where you can freely display your thoughts, express your ideas and spread love.  It makes me happy to have 2 people read my post, it makes me happy to have 20 people read my post.  I aim to inspire.  Or at least trigger a different pattern of thought.

While I am writing this, I am singing along to some old skool tunes on the radio, with the sun shining through the window.  I also have toothache.  What is important is that I have reached a milestone.  Milestones can sometimes be emotional.  I have no idea why.  If we really think about it, every minute of every day is a milestone; so I guess that makes life emotionalHowever, emotional does not always mean negative.  I think it means experiencing everything.  It could also mean experiencing everything in a positive way- including the negative.  Right now I am going to look at this toothache positively and thank the Universe for reminding me I need to book my dentist appointment.

On that note, I would like to wish everyone a very Happy Friday.  Go out and spread love today.  Go out and do good.  Make someone's day. 

Much love xx

Let's Have A Blessed Week

Happy Tuesday!

Lately, I have been thinking about how I can better organise myself for my next year of study.  Being properly organised leaves no room for error.  To be organised it to have complete control (obviously there are some things that are beyond our control, so we will not refer to those). 
"Without order there is chaos, without structure there is instability, without discipline there is lack of personal growth."

Organisation requires self discipline.  How can we set out to achieve, without first having the drive to create structure and keep to our plans?  Effort and enthusiasm alone cannot ensure we achieve what we set out.  It is discipline that drives us to our end result.  It is discipline that carries us from A to B.

It is very easy to write a to-do list or compose a five year plan, but without drive, your list will become another piece of paper gathering dust on your desk, that eventually gets thrown out with the recycling.

This week I am concentrating on honing in on my drive.  My discipline.

 Goal- Planning is key.  I will organise my week using lists and such and ensure I complete what I set out, concentrating on one item at a time, using self-discipline to determine the outcome.

 Positive Thought- Adopting an "I can" attitude.

I'm spreading the love; Over to you!  Blessings to you as you go about your disciplined week. :)

Much love xx

*I am now on Instagram! Follow me at @peachyformosa *

The research for this post and the quote provided was taken from The Reach Approach

What does our anger tell us?

I believe that anger is not a real emotion.  I always remind myself, when I am faced with someone's angry façade, that it is a mask for upset or hurt.

However, my own anger has me believe that it is very real!  It takes a lot of persuasion for me to break down the emotion and figure out what the real issue is.  Can I say annoyance?  Annoyance in abundance.  But of course there are times when it is actually hurt.

              "He who angers you, conquers you." - Elizabeth Kenny

While the other party may be angry, your own anger only inhibits you.  Seconds, minutes and hours lost over intense negative emotion about another human being, is a waste of precious life to be honest.  Yes, easy to say, much harder to do.  As always, practise makes perfect.

Next time Hulk threatens to shred his clothes and make an appearance from the depths of your soul, break down the 'anger' and work out why you feel that way.  Why YOU feel that way: because you are responsible for your emotions.  No one else.  Think about it.

Do you feel better now? I do.

Much love xx

~ Did you know I am now on Facebook?  Go ahead and give my page a 'like' here. ~

Inspired Shorts.

Those Days


Those days when the weather offers no light just grim grey skies and damp earthy mugginess.  Days of frustration mixed with claustrophobia.  Why cant we escape?  Escapism starts in the mind and stays only there.  A man in a 12 by 10ft cell can have infinite freedom if he has the right mind-set, while people in apartments and four bedrooms houses with two bathrooms, may not see the wood for the trees.   

Open up your little mind and think outside your box.  I wish you could see that the world is bigger than your self-inflicted painful thoughts.  Darling, you are only harming yourself.  The word passes you by while you beat yourself up; your family, your friends, they are living.  Replaying your guilt achieves nothing but anguish and feeds the cycle of evil.  Don't you know cycles never end? 

Do not be another one defeated by the cycle; you can run farther than the rest.  Use that beautiful strength to persevere.  You display such courage!  Alas, in the wrong departments.  Swap the misplaced emotions and slot them into the correct situations.  One day you will watch every thing come together and remember these words.  Can you envision that day?  Try harder.  

The Universe grants that which we visualise.  Imagine the anxiety-free happiness.  The lack of low self esteem.  One day.  One day there will be no more of those days. 

The End.

The Reading Tag

I was excited when I came across this tag on Oh! Leona and thought "ooohhhh this is interesting!" :)

Sippin' on Pukka Three Cinnamon Tea while I read on the train

1. Do you have a certain place for reading at home?
I love my sofa. My dream spot would be a window seat in a cosy little fireplaced, room, off a well stocked library in a large house.  Preferably my house.

2. Bookmark or random piece of paper? 
Both.  Whenever I visit a library or bookstore I collect a free book mark.  However, I am adept at making my own or using postcards or something written down that means something to me- a motto or personal reminder.

3. Can you just stop reading or do you have to stop after a chapter or certain number of pages?
I'll finish the paragraph.

4. Do you eat or drink when reading?
Nothing beats a cup of tea when settling down with a book.  The odd glass of wine can be special teamed with a good read.  If I am out in a park some cold and icy if the weather is nice.

5. Do you watch tv or listen to music when reading?
The tv will not com between a good book that holds my interest.  when travelling I will sometimes put my ear phones in to block out the world while I read.

6. One book at a time or several at once?
Several at a time.  As time has gone on I seem to have developed a short concentration span.  So I can jump from one book to another.  It depends what mood I'm in with regards to what I want to read. I try to limit myself to one non-fiction and one fiction at a time.

7. Reading at home or anywhere?
I can read anywhere.  On the train, in parks, libraries, buses, cars...yes anywhere.

8. Reading out loud or silently in your head?
Silently in my head.  If I am having trouble understanding something I will repeat it out loud.

9. Do you ever read ahead or skip pages?
I am not one for long winded descriptions so in parts like these I will skip ahead if I feel the book is worth reading still.  Sometimes you can find a really good story but its packed with useless descriptions and characters feelings so skipping that bit allows you to get back to the regular scheduled programming.

10. Breaking the spine or keeping it new?
Well.  Here's a revelation for you.  I have a kindle but still buy paperbacks. *horrified face*.  I absolutely love my kindle.  I got it for Christmas  just when Kindles made their debut and I was so delighted, because I was running out of room for any more books.  I still have it but I buy nonfiction books in paperback so I can make notes and go back and reference them later.  I buy the odd fiction paper when I spot a good deal, but only if it is cheaper than on Kindle (Kindle books are mostly always cheaper than print).  So, in regards to the question, ha, I don't tend to break the spine...I stretch it: not completely broken or completely new.

11. Do you write in your books?
Only in non-fiction books, for reference purposes.

12. What are you currently reading?
I currently have my nose in Manuscript Found in Accra by Paulo Coelho and The Book of Negroes by Lawrence Hill.

Picked this up today, and I am thoroughly enjoying it!

I hope you liked reading about how reading makes me feel!  I tag anybody who wishes to take part: if you do, be sure to leave your link below.

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