Thankful Thursday

Hey lovely people :) 

After posting last Friday instead of Thursday, I've decided to do my Thankful Thursday every fortnight.  The last two weeks have been very busy and definitely eventful!  I've tried to make a real effort to remember to be thankful.  Especially in moments where I catch myself taking things for granted.  Sometimes I am on autopilot, but I'm practising being in the moment and feeling thankful.

This fortnight I have been thankful for...

Libraries.  I think being able to take home and read a book for free is amazing.  People need never buy books again!  I am always encouraging people to read, not just for study but for pleasure.  I love nothing more than to spend time perusing the book shelves of a library: reading is my favourite pastime.

My wonderful friend Kayla ( a little message to you as I know you are reading)  I could laugh forever with you!  Thank you for being such a good friend.  You are honest, respectful and so generous.  This week you have really diffused my stress levels.  When I forget to act with love, you remind me.  I hope you enjoy your moustache ;) 

                  Always remember!

Water.  Last Saturday was world water day.  During the day I spent some time beside a canal and I thought how blessed I was to be able to watch water flow...while other people do not even have any to drink.  How mad is that?!  We switch on a tap at our leisure and some people walk miles to source water.  One of the many injustices of the world.  I am thankful for water whenever I turn on a tap, run a bath, or walk by a waterway.

                                      Free water complete with wading ducks.

A roof over my head.  This is another big thing I am thankful for.  I am blessed with a lovely home, running water, electricity and comfort.  

My neighbour.  There are some neighbours that are the 'Hi' and 'Bye' type, and there are those that become friends (that was unintentional, but I bet you're all singing the song now).  I have a neighbour who is just wonderful! She is more than just a neighbour and I am very thankful for her.  

My bed.  At the end of everyday I slip into my sheets and thank god.  It is difficult to wake up in the morning and continue your day, whilst you are tired.  The hardest thing is going through the day wanting to be in bed asleep.  I try to avoid this happening because it makes me feel rubbish.  But sometimes I am up late working and thats when sleep has to take a backseat.  I really will be making sure I can spend more time with my bed next week.

My phone.  I recently got a new phone, and I am fascinated by its ability.  The camera is amazing.  I have been taking loads of pictures lately.  Everyone keeps commenting on how clear my camera is and I love it! It means a lot to me to take photos so I do it often (also, probably getting carried away taking selfies).  Apps, camera and music: all luxuries I am grateful for.  

My mister.  His support this week has been invaluable!  He has been my driving force in the lonely graveyard hours while I study, my common sense during indecisive moments and my inspiration when I have hit a brick wall.  I am so blessed.   

Always live in the moment.  All we have is right now.  
Lots of love.
Peachy xx


  1. I love how 'ducks' is a tag of yours... Hilarious. Thank you so much for your kind words. I just feel that if someone is falling into a deep whole of sadness well I should help them out. You are a strong, tough bird darlin' and as time goes by you'll realise day by day that it's your choices to what makes you happy. Ex; when I found out that I got rejected from a Uni I felt so ashamed. Believing I was stupid and plain but I forced myself to find something that would make me smile. I made a list in my head of how lucky I actually am, in a way it did make me feel better. I'm here for ya if you need a laugh or a serious convo over a cuppa :)
    cheers rum chum,
    Kayla xx

    1. I will adopt that practice to use, when I forget how blessed I am :) By the way we must broaden your tea horizons, the world is your teapot? We'll include a pastry or five after Lent.

      Much love. xx

  2. Everybody needs to take a billion selfies....kayla knows I defo do :P

    1. In that case I will go right ahead!! :)

      Much love xx

  3. Such a lovely post!
    I have tagged you for The Liebster Award, here is all the details:

    1. Wow, thank you so much! I am honoured. I look forward to writing the post : )

      Much love <3


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