I tweet less, upload less, post less and browse less.
I have come to the conclusion that social media doesn't have to be used constantly. I used to mock those who do not have accounts, now I wonder if they're minds are less polluted than mine. Probably not.
About two weeks ago, I decided to lessen my use of my social media accounts; namely Twitter and Instagram and Whats App. I deleted my apps for a weekend to test the waters, and it felt great. This lead me to extending that for a few more days, then I decided to get them back, upload what I wanted to, then log out of my accounts. Personally, it is the browsing that gets me. I can spend ages scrolling though my timeline. I mean ages in the sense that I could probably cook a meal from scratch and consume it, in the same amount of time.
Social media browsing is not the best use of time, not just because dinner is late, but because of all the negative exposure to other peoples post. I have reduced my negative intake -for want of a better phrase- by unfollowing any account that doesn't display images of a wonderful, positive nature (or unicorns). What I deem as negative, does not necessarily scream negative to you, but to give you an idea, I do not choose to follow anyone that highlights drama and soap style scenarios, promotes sexism/nudity, discusses celebrity gossip or promotes food or acts I do not believe in.
I will be honest and say I feel better for it. I feel better seeing love and positivity on my timeline. I follow people I know, yoga loving individuals, book readers and vegans. I enjoy filling my mind with organic recipes, yoga poses and my next would be reads. I waant images and captions to uplift me, not fuel my fire of pain. Does your timeline make you feel better?
I fully intend on making this permanent change to how I use social media. I firmly believe it can enhance your life if used correctly, however it definitely shouldn't become your life.
What do you think?
Peachy x
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