Happy Tuesday!
Lately, I have been thinking about how I can better organise myself for my next year of study. Being properly organised leaves no room for error. To be organised it to have complete control (obviously there are some things that are beyond our control, so we will not refer to those).
"Without order there is chaos, without structure there is instability, without discipline there is lack of personal growth."
Organisation requires self discipline. How can we set out to achieve, without first having the drive to create structure and keep to our plans? Effort and enthusiasm alone cannot ensure we achieve what we set out. It is discipline that drives us to our end result. It is discipline that carries us from A to B.
It is very easy to write a to-do list or compose a five year plan, but without drive, your list will become another piece of paper gathering dust on your desk, that eventually gets thrown out with the recycling.
This week I am concentrating on honing in on my drive. My discipline.
Goal- Planning is key. I will organise my week using lists and such and ensure I complete what I set out, concentrating on one item at a time, using self-discipline to determine the outcome.
Positive Thought- Adopting an "I can" attitude.
I'm spreading the love; Over to you! Blessings to you as you go about your disciplined week. :)
Much love xx
The research for this post and the quote provided was taken from The Reach Approach
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