I just want to share some good vibes today...
I have been blogging for 6 months today. I am not afraid to say that I am proud of The Randomness of Unicorns! I love what I write, and I write what I love. I feel happy, elated and free. What joy it is, to have a space where you can freely display your thoughts, express your ideas and spread love. It makes me happy to have 2 people read my post, it makes me happy to have 20 people read my post. I aim to inspire. Or at least trigger a different pattern of thought.
While I am writing this, I am singing along to some old skool tunes on the radio, with the sun shining through the window. I also have toothache. What is important is that I have reached a milestone. Milestones can sometimes be emotional. I have no idea why. If we really think about it, every minute of every day is a milestone; so I guess that makes life emotional. However, emotional does not always mean negative. I think it means experiencing everything. It could also mean experiencing everything in a positive way- including the negative. Right now I am going to look at this toothache positively and thank the Universe for reminding me I need to book my dentist appointment.
On that note, I would like to wish everyone a very Happy Friday. Go out and spread love today. Go out and do good. Make someone's day.
Much love xx
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