Thank you so much to Kayla at The Giggles of Life, for nominating me for this award. This is my second nomination, so instead of nominating ten more bloggers, I will just answer the questions Kayla has set. Here goes...
1. What calms you down when you're stressed?
A nice cup of tea! Or taking time out to focus on something else, before going back to the dilemma/problem. Fresh eyes always look at things from a better perspective.
2. Do you feel that blogging has made a difference in your life? How?
Yes, I do. Blogging is a world of like-minded and not so like-minded people that can inspire and learn from each other. I find myself reading things I didn't know about, and posting things on my blog I didn't know would resonate with people. I have an opportunity to put my over-thinking mind to good use. I can write to my heart is content. Bliss.
3. With your lottery winnings of £5million, how would you spend it?
I will always pay off all my bills first, if I ever come into money. Then I would book a holiday; two weeks somewhere hot! My close family and friends would receive monetary gifts, and the rest would go into a pot for my little Unicorn lovers. What is wealth if you cannot share it with others? A pretty lonely place.
4. What is the most important trait you look for in a person (friend/partner)?
I seem to gravitate toward humorous people. I like to be around those who can make me laugh or wanna sit and crack jokes with me. Laughter is god for the soul.
5. When you think of your childhood, what pops into your mind?
Monopoly hahaha. My nan. And Jim Carey Movies. Home Alone 1 & 2.
6. With Christmas coming, what is the one thing you are most looking forward to?
Since this is after Christmas (I am a bit late), I will say I was most looking forward to being somewhere new for once. I had the opportunity to get out of the city and I relished in it.
7. Can you recommend a must-watch movie/book that has inspired you?
Book! I am currently reading The Happiness Project by Gretchin Rubin. I may do a blog post on it, so I won't go into it here.
8. If you were a celebrity, what would you like to be famous for?
Something cool like, stopping Unicorn hair being used for weave. In reality, it would be writing. I would love to be famous for writing,
9. Do you have any unusual funny habits/guilty pleasures?
Hmmm...Funny habits- I keep new clothes in the bags they came in until I am ready to wear them. Guilty pleasures? I dunno. Pop music?
10. What about the weekends do you most get excited for?
Not having to get out of bed! I usually use my weekend to explore the city. I am always a sightsee-er.
Peachy xx
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