Throw out the fiction and get real!

Today's affirmation is "I will throw out the fiction, and get real!"

Most of my free time is spent reading fiction, fiction, and more fiction. Occasionally I find myself holding a beautiful non-fiction book about spiritual progression, finding oneself or synchronicity.  I start these books with the best intention, but find myself side-tracked, leaving them half read. 

However, I am now pledging to finish them!  Not only that but I will review each one I read, for you guys (see, I'll have to read them now haha) :) 

I've recognised that my life needs some guidance at present and I've got some wonderful titles that hold the most magical material- 

1. Loveability by Robert Holden
2. The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield
3. Synchrodestiny by Deepak Chopra
4. The Magic by Rhonda Byrne
5. The Tenth Insight by James Redfield
6. The Celestine Vision by James Redfield
7. The Ultimate Happiness Prescription by Deepak Chopra
8. Manuscript Found in Accra by Paulo Coelho (I'm sure this is non-fiction, but the story is told by way of fictional witting)

Three of the above I have already read but I have no problem re-reading and studying them again.

As we speak, (as I type) I am collecting up my library fiction to return tomorrow.  Only to be checked out in the event I complete my new book list.  

So, look out for my up coming review posts!  Let me know what you think of my new venture. Maybe you will read a couple of titles with me, or you may have already?

Happy Tuesday people. 
And much love as always.

Peachy xx


  1. Lovely post, I must check out these books :)

  2. Thank you. Be sure to let me know if you read any of the books.

    Much love x


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